We’ve built several proprietary workflow and analytics platforms that manage the process
Custom Campaign Management System for Advertisers
When it comes to executing a successful brand integration campaign, consistent communication between all parties involved is key. In most cases, there are several entities acting as liaisons between Publisher and Advertiser – from Advertising Agencies and PR Agencies to Media Agencies and Brand Managers. Relaying information that involves creative brand integrations, activation strategies, comprehensive deliverables and results can often get confusing, especially for brand executives who are not the direct point-of-contacts on such an all-encompassing program but need to assess results.
It is important for all parties involved to have a clear system in place so they can easily be in the loop understanding how to track the campaign’s progress and convey the information seamlessly. It is also important for the Publisher to get quick feedback from the Client to ensure each deliverable can be executed on a timely basis in order to meet program deadlines.
After a year in development, Young Hollywood unveiled a proprietary custom Campaign Management System to enable all advertising partners to track in real-time their campaign results, social media conversation, celebrity product seeding, and branded content integrations.
By logging into the CMS, each advertiser can securely access their own personalized Young Hollywood program right when their campaign launches, and have the ability to continue tracking the campaign’s progress and results throughout the duration of its flight in real-time.