A leading lifestyle brand that creates & distributes premium video content for digital, social, & mobile targeting
Gen Z audiences

Household reach
of our OTT network
Average Monthly
video views
Hours of content
produced annually
Monthly user
Followers on
social media

Always ahead of the curve, the
Young Hollywood Network is reputable for introducing the hottest trends & talent to fans on a global scale.

Through years of cultivating and establishing relationships with high-profile celebrities, influencers & tastemakers, and maintaining a proven track record for discovering the most buzzed about talent before they become superstars & household names, Young Hollywood has rapidly grown to heavily influence today’s youth generation and pop culture.
How To Reach YH:
General Inquiries info@younghollywood.com
Talent Submissions Advertising
pitches@younghollywood.com advertising@younghollywood.com
Public Relations Content Licensing
press@younghollywood.com licensing@younghollywood.com